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Software Virtualization
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Software Virtualization

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In the organizational structure, some software or services must be provided to users in isolation. Apart from other software, some users need to access specific software from outside the organization. There are several traditional solutions; one of the leading solutions is to set up a VPN and create remote access or assign a separate client for that software. Software virtualization is a technology that can provide software to the user independently of the user’s system. In software virtualization, the desired software is installed and run on its server. User accesses it with the help of external software such as Horizon Client. In this case, the selected software runs on the client system, but in practice, it is entirely separate from the client system.

Application Virtualization

The most appropriate service for launching software virtualization is Application Virtualization. Application Virtualization service is provided by VMware and Citrix companies. This method considers a particular virtual machine for the required software. In this case, the software is available for users in an isolated and virtual way.

Advantages of software virtualization


– Ease of access to the software

Virtual applications can be used anywhere and on any endpoint. It can be Windows, Android, or iOS. This portability allows essential information to remain on the server by endpoint threat.


– Independent of the client’s OS

In software virtualization, there is no dependency between the software and the user’s operating system, so the type of operating system does not affect the performance of the software. The client’s operating system can be Microsoft Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS.


– Ease of software management

Installing a program may sometimes lead to problems and crashes of other programs. The virtualized programs are virtual versions available to the user, and these changes will be applied to all users using the necessary configurations.


– Ease of installation and deployment

In software virtualization, the software is installed and configured once on the server side and is made available to users through interface software such as Horizon Client. As a result, there is no need to install it on the entire client system, and there is no need to install the software again with every change of Windows client.


– Security upgrade

In software virtualization, the software is run on dedicated servers, and the processing and data transfer is done on the network on the server side. They are entirely separate from the users’ system. Then the users only receive the image of the software, and in case of contamination, The client system and software will be immune from damage.

Ease of access to the software

Virtual applications can be used anywhere and on any endpoint. It can be Windows, Android, or iOS. This portability allows essential information to remain on the server by endpoint threat.

Independent of the client’s OS

In software virtualization, there is no dependency between the software and the user’s operating system, so the type of operating system does not affect the performance of the software. The client’s operating system can be Microsoft Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS.

Ease of software management

Installing a program may sometimes lead to problems and crashes of other programs. The virtualized programs are virtual versions available to the user, and these changes will be applied to all users using the necessary configurations.

Ease of installation and deployment

In software virtualization, the software is installed and configured once on the server side and is made available to users through interface software such as Horizon Client. As a result, there is no need to install it on the entire client system, and there is no need to install the software again with every change of Windows client.

Security upgrade

In software virtualization, the software is run on dedicated servers, and the processing and data transfer is done on the network on the server side. They are entirely separate from the users’ system. Then the users only receive the image of the software, and in case of contamination, The client system and software will be immune from damage.