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Our Comprehensive Solution

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The data center of every organization includes all kinds of hardware, application software and organizational data, and it is no secret that every organization is the main asset of that organization. Due to the extraordinary data center and data of the organization, the highest level of monitoring, control and support should be given to the center. In addition, due to the nature of the data center that provides the service 24 hours a day. It is necessary to optimize the consumption of hardware resources and increase the efficiency and productivity of the software and services in all aspects, including the design and implementation of the room server, hardware equipment, configuration of the network infrastructure and storage space, virtualization, support and maintenance of Knowledge, expertise, technology. and new technologies are used.

Security Center is a set of policies and precautions against threats. which can be confidential, compromise the integrity or the integrity of organizations. DDoS operations, confidential information, data tampering and data tampering are some of the common security problems. which affect centers.

To secure the data center, it should be composed of several defense layers and each layer should have its own control policies. For this purpose, Nasam’s specialized team offers a comprehensive solution for securing the data center and organizational infrastructure:

Network as a Service

In the traditional structure (the structure that currently exists in organizational networks), switches and physical routers were used to manage switching, data routing and control of information streams, and it was necessary to have all routers and switches independently and based on the topology designed by IT managers. configure and configure. In this structure, management, control and monitoring of the network structure is the responsibility of IT managers, and only a few auxiliary tools are available to them so that they can handle their responsibilities.

The traditional method has a very high probability of error. Because the number of hardware resources of the network infrastructure is large and there is a possibility of human error. While in network virtualization (NV) by converting network hardware resources into virtual machines and their integrated management, easier management, real-time response and security enhancement are easily possible.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

As you know, desktop virtualization is a technology that allows you to give your users a virtual enterprise desktop regardless of the platform and device they have. In fact, in desktop virtualization, users’ computer systems only play the role of an interface. The enterprise operating system, along with the software installed on it, run on servers and users have remote access to it. The reason is that we introduce desktop virtualization as one of the options for a comprehensive security solution. There are countless benefits that it provides to the IT manager of the organization.

Benefits such as:

Enterprise operating systems are created on RAM and servers temporarily (Instant Clone). If the operating system is infected, it will be deleted when Windows users log off and there will be no more contamination.

In desktop virtualization, all user profiles are isolated and independent from each other, and the possibility of their contamination is minimized.

Users will not be allowed to use portable memories. As a result, the possibility of the network being infected by users is ruled out.

Centralized management and application of specific policies for each group of users

Ability to monitor user activity and save their desktop

Organizational data traffic will not be in the network, and the only traffic in the network is the user’s operating system image.

Isolation of the Internet from the organization’s internal network

Separating and isolating the organization’s internal network from the Internet is inevitable and vital. Because no matter how security protocols are implemented in the best possible way, there is still a possibility that the organizational network will be affected by intentional or accidental user mistakes and serious damage will be caused to organizational data and services. There are different methods for separating the Internet from the internal network, such as assigning two computers to one user, using an isolator card for users’ computers, all of which are based on the physical separation of the network infrastructure. One of the main disadvantages of these methods is the high cost of its implementation.

The most suitable method of separation is the separation and logical isolation of the Internet from the intranet, in the logical separation, the Virtual Application service is used. In this dedicated and isolated virtual machine with internet access, it is provided to users virtually and all downloads, uploads and accesses are controlled.



Advantages of Virtual Application service:


  • Full control over the contents downloaded by the user.
  • Preventing the spread of Internet traffic in the organization’s internal network.
  • Personalizing browsers and applying the desired restrictions on the user

Implementing a comprehensive backup and recovery system

No matter how standard a data center is designed and implemented and security protocols are implemented in the best possible way. Again, there is a possibility that due to various reasons, data center equipment may be damaged, or organizational information may be stolen, or data center server services may be disrupted. Therefore, backup is inevitable and vital. In times of crisis, it can be the savior of the organization, informatics managers and organizational information.

Unfortunately, when it comes to getting support, most of the time they are only satisfied with backing up data and databases. Backups of operating systems and virtual machines are ignored. On the other hand, backup is one side of the coin, and the other side of the coin is the recovery and return of information and data at the right time.

Another concern of backup is the possibility of backing up infected data. As a result, in data recovery, infected files may return to virtual machines and cause contamination of the network structure.

To respond to these concerns and to ensure the backup and recovery of information, virtual machines and services, the best option is to use the Veeam Backup software product.

Application software for backup and backup of virtual machines created with VMware and HyperV virtualizers. Veeam Backup & Replication is networked and allows you to easily back up information in virtual machines and virtual servers. Also, by using the Veeam replication program, you will be able to easily restore lost information in servers and virtual machines.



Some features of Veeam Backup & Replication:


  • Define different users with limited and unlimited access
  • Introduction of scheduled program to take backup
  • High reliability in the process of taking backup and restoring it
  • The possibility of backup from Windows and Linux virtual machines
  • Documenting the status of systems and managing reports
  • Email notification about problems in the backup process