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Backup and Recovery system
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Backup and Recovery system

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No matter how standard a data center is designed and implemented, security protocols are implemented in the best possible way. Again, for various reasons, data center equipment may be damaged, organizational information may be stolen, or data center server services may be disrupted. Therefore, backup is inevitable and vital. In times of crisis, it can be the savior of the organization, informatics managers, and organizational information.

They are primarily satisfied with backing up data and databases when it comes to getting support. Backups of operating systems and virtual machines are ignored. On the other hand, backup is one side of the coin, and the other is the recovery and return of information and data at the right time.

Another concern about backup is the possibility of backing up infected data. As a result, in data recovery, infected files may return to virtual machines and cause contamination of the network structure.

To respond to these concerns and to ensure the backup and recovery of information, virtual machines, and services, the best option is to use the Veeam Backup software product.

Application software for backup and backup of virtual machines created with VMware and Hyper-V virtualizers. Veeam Backup & Replication is networked and allows you to back up information in virtual machines and servers easily. Also, by using the Veeam replication program, you can quickly restore lost data in servers and virtual machines.

Advantages of Veeam Backup & Replication:

  • Define different users with limited and unlimited access
  • Introduction of the scheduled program to take backup
  • High reliability in the process of taking backup and restoring it
  • The possibility of backup from Windows and Linux virtual machines
  • Documenting the status of systems and managing reports
  • Email notification about problems in the backup process